Non-Residential Services
When many people think of a domestic violence shelter, they might assume that services are only available to people who actually live at the shelter.
While this is one of Desert Rose’s primary functions, many non-residential services are available to domestic violence survivors who might need some type of assistance but don’t necessarily need the safety and security offered at the shelter facility. In fact, Desert Rose has seen a major increase in clients seeking non-residential services over the past few years.
If you are interested in learning more about what services are available for non-residents, please call Desert Rose at (765) 342-7673 or (765) 342-ROSE to speak with an advocate and set up an appointment. Many options are available, but the most requested services include:
- Free therapeutic counseling offered in-person or remotely via telehealth
- Legal advocacy and assistance with divorce, pro bono attorney referrals, and other civil legal matters
- Assistance and advocacy in obtaining a civil protective order
- One-on-one victim advocacy services to assist victims of domestic violence, stalking, family violence, teen dating violence, and/or sexual assault
- Referrals to local community resources
While it is difficult to know exactly what Desert Rose might be able to assist you with, if you need advice and guidance, please reach out to speak with a trained victim advocate. In addition to calling our 24-hour crisis line, you can also contact us via the contact form on this website or by e-mail at We are standing by to assist you in whatever way we can.